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A Seminole, FL Veterinarian Answers FAQs on Pet Theft

February 01, 2024

It’s Pet Theft Awareness Month! Pet theft is a disturbing crime that occurs far too often in our society. Heartless criminals target innocent animals, stealing them from their loving homes and causing immense distress to both the pets and their owners. This despicable act not only robs families of their beloved companions but also puts the stolen pets at risk of abuse, neglect, and even death. It is important for pet owners to take precautions … Read More »

Posted in General

Prioritize Your Pet in 2024

January 01, 2024

As we step into the New Year, it’s essential to extend our focus beyond personal resolutions. Take a moment to reflect on your furry companion’s well-being. Embrace the opportunity to reassess your pet’s care routine, ensuring they enjoy a happy and healthy year ahead. Discover insightful resolutions for your four-legged friend in this informative piece by your North Redington Beach, FL veterinarian.   Capture Your Pet’s Best Moments: Photography Tips Embrace the joy of preserving … Read More »

Posted in General

ID Your Pet Day

July 01, 2023

Today, July 1st, is ID Your Pet Day. This is definitely a timely request: The Fourth Of July is just around the corner, and lost pet reports often spike around the summer holiday. That’s because so many of our furry friends are terrified of the fireworks and commotion, and bolt out of sheer terror. While we would of course advise keeping your animal companion safely indoors as much as you can over the next few … Read More »

Posted in General

Grooming A Senior Dog

February 15, 2023

Is your canine pal entering—or already in—his golden years? Fido probably won’t be any more enamored with baths now than he was as a puppy, but they’re still important to his health, hygiene, and comfort. However, you’ll need to take some extra care with your pooch at this point in his life. A Seminole, FL vet discusses grooming a senior dog below. Be Gentle First and foremost, be very careful with your furry friend. Older … Read More »

Meet The Galgo

February 01, 2023

Did you know that today, February 1st, is World Galgo Day? This isn’t one of the more well-known breeds over here in the States, but it’s definitely one that could use more attention. A member of the Sighthound group, the Galgo is a very sweet and loving pup, who loves napping and relaxing. A Seminole, FL vet shines the spotlight on this timid pooch below. Basics The Galgo is very closely related to Greyhound, a … Read More »

Posted in Dog Care, General

Dog Party Day Tips

June 15, 2022
Dog Party Day Tips

There’s a pretty fun doggy holiday coming up. June 21st is Dog Party Day! Giving Fido a chance to run and play with his buddies can be just as adorable and entertaining as it sounds! However, there are some things to keep in mind. Read on as a Seminole, FL vet offers some tips on having your pup’s pals over. Guest List Having the right guest list can make a huge difference. Be sure to … Read More »

Puppy Care Tips

March 15, 2022
Puppy dog in a human arm sleeping soundly

Have you recently adopted a puppy? If so, you’ll want to make note on your calendar: March 23rd is National Puppy Day! Our canine companions are always cute, but they are never more adorable than they are during that charming toddler stage. A local Seminole, FL vet offers some advice on puppy care below. Be Consistent Those first few weeks and months will very much set the stage for your relationship with little Fido. Keep … Read More »

Food Safety For Pets

September 01, 2021
Food Safety For Pets

September is National Food Safety Month! Nutrition plays a huge role in your beloved pet’s overall health and well-being. However, eating unsafe foods is extremely dangerous for our furry friends. A Seminole, FL vet discusses food safety for pets in this article. Unsafe Foods Pets are often very interested in what we are eating. They’re also pretty good about convincing us to share. However, not everything on your plate is safe for your furry buddy. … Read More »

Check The Chip Day

August 15, 2021
Food Safety For Pets

It’s Check The Chip Day! Has your pet been microchipped yet? If not, you may want to see to this. Microchips are tiny devices that form an invisible, yet permanent, link between people and their pets. If your furry best friend ever goes missing, that tiny chip could be the only thing connecting the two of you! Here, a Seminole, FL vet offers some information about microchips, and how to check them. Microchip Basics Microchips … Read More »

Hurricane Preparation Tips

August 01, 2021

We’re well into summer now … or, as some like to call it, melting season. As you probably know, this time of year is when hurricanes are most likely to form. We have a few months to go before that window closes, so it’s a good idea to make sure you and your furry friend are ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at us. A Seminole, FL vet offers some advice on preparing your pet … Read More »