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Cat Care

Fun Facts about Kitties

March 01, 2024

Did you know that cats are among the sleepiest animals on the planet? Only a few creatures, including bats, possums, and some human teenagers, can catch more Z’s than Man’s Second Best Friend. This is perhaps not surprising: we all know that cats are, for whatever reason, extremely tired. As it turns out, these little furballs are full of cute quirks. In this article, a local North Redington Beach, FL veterinarian reveals several things you … Read More »

Posted in Cat Care

Helping A Senior Cat Beat The Heat

June 15, 2023

Is your kitty aged ten or older? If so, Fluffy may need some extra attention when it’s hot. Scorching temperatures can be rough on any kitty, but they are particularly tough on aging pets. A North Redington Beach, FL vet offers some advice on keeping your feline pal cool and comfy in this article. Beds Make sure that Fluffy always has cool spots to rest in. You can put a freezer gel pack in her … Read More »

Posted in Cat Care

Plants And Pets: Do’s And Don’ts

March 15, 2023

One great thing about living in the Sunshine State is that we get to enjoy beautiful flowers and gardens all year round. Many of our furry companions love sniffing and investigating plants and greenery! However, there are some things to keep in mind when having both pets and plants. A local Seminole, FL vet offers some tips on this below. Do: Choose Safe Options While many plants are safe for Fluffy and Fido, there are … Read More »

Holiday Gifts For Frisky Cats

December 15, 2022
Brownish golden cat with orange eyes and gifts in the background

Happy Holidays! Are you finished your shopping yet? Or are you just getting started? No matter what, remember to bring something back for your feline friend. Of course, while some kitty gifts, such as beds, are fine for any cat, you’ll also want to pick out some things that work with your pet’s purrsonality. Read on as a local Seminole, FL vet lists some presents for frisky furballs. Cat Wheels You’ve likely seen exercise wheels … Read More »

Boarding Or Petsitting

December 01, 2022
White dog with a lady in checkered shirt sits in the car truck

Will you be traveling over the holidays? If so, you’ll need to decide what to do with your furry friend. In some cases, you can take them with you. For instance, if you’re just going on a weekend trip a few hours away, it may be fine to bring Fido or even Fluffy along. However, bringing your dog or cat with you just isn’t going to be a feasible option in every situation. You may … Read More »

Storm Safety For Pets

November 01, 2022
Ginger cat with a white knitted scarf

Hurricane Ian may be over, but the wake of devastation it left is still dominating the news. While those of us in the Bay area escaped the worst of the storm, our neighbors just to the south suffered catastrophic damage. Unfortunately, devastating storms are becoming more and more frequent. While this year’s storm season is (hopefully) over, every year brings the chance of another. A local Seminole, FL vet offers some advice on helping your … Read More »

Seafaring Kitties

September 15, 2022
tabby cat in seafarer uniform with shore background

Did you know that September 19th is Meow Like A Pirate Day? You probably won’t get a paid holiday off from work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate. As it turns out, kitties have done very well on ships … despite the fact that most of them absolutely hate water! A Seminole, FL vet offers some information on pirate kitties in this article. History It’s not hard to imagine fearless furballs climbing masts and … Read More »

Kitties With Leukemia

July 15, 2022
Gray cat snuggled in two human arms

Feline Leukemia Day is July 16th. This is a very important topic! The feline leukemia virus, or FeLV, is the second leading cause of death in cats. However, that doesn’t mean that Fluffy can’t still have a happy life. A Seminole, FL vet offers more information in this article. Contagion One reason that FeLV is so concerning is because it is extremely contagious. Kitties that are infected shed the virus in their blood, saliva, and … Read More »

Summer Kitten Care Tips

July 01, 2022
Pale gray colored kitty laying on the sand with brown woven summer hat

Kitten Day is coming up on July 10th. While we think all of our patients are pretty cute, we have to admit that kittens are absolutely delightful. If a baby cat has just joined your household, you are definitely in for some adorable moments over the next few months. You’re also in for some pet parenting! Read on for some summer kitten care tips from a Seminole, FL vet. Visit The Vet Proper veterinary care … Read More »

Getting Your Cat Ready For Summer

May 01, 2022
Gray adult cat with orange eyes in a cat swing

Summer is almost here! We may still have a bit of time before the worst of the heat hits, but it’s already getting pretty warm. The hot weather can be hard on our feline friends, so you’ll want to take steps to protect your kitty from the heat. A Seminole, FL vet offers some advice on this below. Grooming Kitties are pretty good at keeping themselves clean, but they do need some help with their … Read More »